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Search results

  1. KingdomKey

    The Ask-a-Mod Thread

    I had this happen to me two days ago and briefly thought I got banned from here. :ROFLMAO: But yeah, I have no idea why, but I have also experienced it!
  2. KingdomKey

    When are we expecting news?

    Wasn’t that kind of the point of Melody of Memory to fill in the gaps while we wait for KH4? Anyways, I’d like to be surprised by what Missing Link could bring to the table for a mobile game. I’m a bit more open minded now that I went down the rabbit hole of Pokemon TCGP. Just hoping my phone...
  3. KingdomKey

    When are we expecting news?

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, everybody!
  4. KingdomKey

    If anyone here is playing the mobile game Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket, feel free to add me...

    If anyone here is playing the mobile game Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket, feel free to add me on there! Friend Code: 9137 4525 8004 1135
  5. KingdomKey

    When are we expecting news?

    How reliable is Cynical to be accurate on game related news? I haven't been on Twitter in months, so I don't know who's a good source these days. And it's weird that they'd claim to know if it's a KH trailer or not. I hope they're truly downplaying it by pretending it isn't a KH trailer. I want...
  6. KingdomKey

    Steam Deck

    Hi everybody! I don't generally post much, but I'll lurk every once in a while. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone wouldn't mind telling me their pros and cons to owning a steam deck? I am debating between purchasing one in the near future, or potentially building a PC. What I'm looking to play...
  7. KingdomKey

    KH4 Re-Reveal Hopes And Expectations

    I'd like this new trilogy to pull away from the urgency to be reunited with the guardians of light or Riku and Kairi. We've had countless games from the last saga doing this. I want Sora to be solo for as long as possible, make some personal growth of his own while unraveling the mystery that is...
  8. KingdomKey

    When are we expecting news?

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I want more beyond Disney Worlds because it'd be nice to continue new lore and plot lines. Don't get me wrong, I love Disney. But I want more of the Quadratum world after only getting a glimpse of it in KH3. And with that said, I was vastly disappointed we...
  9. KingdomKey

    Random Thought: Will Kingdom Hearts eventually come to an end? And if so, what will that look...

    Random Thought: Will Kingdom Hearts eventually come to an end? And if so, what will that look like going forward?
  10. KingdomKey

    It's crazy going back on YouTube and watching the Kingdom Hearts 2.8 opening. Reminds me of why...

    It's crazy going back on YouTube and watching the Kingdom Hearts 2.8 opening. Reminds me of why I loved the games so much. Same with Birth by Sleep. I remember the hype. I hope sometime soon there'll be another trailer drop for KH4.
  11. KingdomKey

    Final Fantasy VII Remake Megathread - Intergrade, Rebirth, Reunion and more

    Not related to Rebirth, but I was wondering if it’s been confirmed yet that all three parts of Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy will be released on PS5? I have yet to buy a PlayStation 5, but I have played Remake on PS4. And I own a copy of Rebirth for PS5 due to the hype. I’ll be entirely...
  12. KingdomKey

    If anyone else would like to catch up with me after all of these years, I'm on discord...

    If anyone else would like to catch up with me after all of these years, I'm on discord sometimes. So send me a message and I’ll send a friend request! ;) I'm not often online these days, but I'll try to pop in when I can!
  13. KingdomKey

    In Stars and Time

    Description on Steam Live in the ever present burden of bring trapped in a time loop only you can know about in this turn based RPG. Create a better future for you and your friends. Find hope where there is none left. Pray to the stars and free yourself from time. Available On Steam...
  14. KingdomKey

    Anime/Manga ► The Anime & Manga Dumping Ground

    What I've been keeping up with, watching, or finished between 2023/2024. And also, where I've waited until after the hype, because adulting takes up a lot of my time these days too. Anime on Crunchyroll Frieren Frankly? I thought this was boring at first until I became invested in all of the...
  15. KingdomKey

    Damn. I didn't know him well, but I loved his avatars and signatures whenever I saw him post. I...

    Damn. I didn't know him well, but I loved his avatars and signatures whenever I saw him post. I remember him as Tav and Superbia the most. I can't recall if I ever role-played with him. But I'm sorry to hear of his passing. Rest in peace, Tav/Superbia.
  16. KingdomKey

    The Ask-a-Mod Thread

    Hi! I know it's been awhile since I've been on here! I wanted to know why you can't private message yourself anymore? I was looking for a safe and secure place to put my thoughts down, but when I tried to do that, it said you can't start a conversation with yourself. 😞 I'm usually not the type...
  17. KingdomKey

    News ► Kingdom Hearts IV and Missing-Link officially announced!

    Impressions Kingdom Hearts 4 - I'm really excited to see we're able to explore the Quadratum world in particular because, I felt let down back in Kingdom Hearts three when we didn't get to. Especially as it was being used as the cover art of Kingdom Hearts three. And it was only meant as a...
  18. KingdomKey

    I felt nostalgic and decided to hop on here for old times sake. Life update: I'm nearing my...

    I felt nostalgic and decided to hop on here for old times sake. Life update: I'm nearing my thirty's. It won't be till next year before I leave my twenties behind, but damn. I didn't expect myself to be concerned about household appliances this late in life. Or starting a new path/chapter in...
  19. KingdomKey

    Which way is the right way?

    Which way is the right way?
  20. KingdomKey

    I miss the graphic shops on KHI. That is all.

    I miss the graphic shops on KHI. That is all.