And thus the negative approach - the disappointment. Me, from the early trailers I was actually looking forward to a Xion-Game, but that was also due to my views on the Organization. Filler characters are filler characters, that sort of thing.
I just wish she'd get less hate for that :V it's like putting Jhonny Depp in a movie surrounded by middle-school actors, to me. Of course Depp'd be great, he's the star of the movie amongst other reasons; but the others... can't really carry their weight.
Ironically I wish that was ALL they'd have shown. They could've given her being a Wielder a proper introduction (maybe even in BBS alone, instead of making BBS the excuse to KHII, which as far as I'm concerned could've just explained that, which came because of ASAS/DD) instead of one of the most WTF-ish scenes in the series; a bit more show of faith in her friends could've been better, instead of having her go "OMFG TELL ME ABOUT YOUR WONDERFUL ADVENTURE *sparkles*" when Rikunort was prancing right behind her; and of course Sora's promise to see her every day would've had weight because he wouldn't have seen her FIVE MINUTES PRIOR and was about to STAY IN THE DARKNESS.
I really do think Kairi'd have been better off without being kidnapped in KHII, even if that meant leaving her behind on the islands. It worked wonders in Re:Coded; it could've worked wonders in KHII as well.
Sure, it wouldn't have helped, but right now, they're only ruining it further.
I'd LOVE that. Either that or have Kairi continue being Keyblade-less and only be able to use other people's Keyblades until Aqua wants her to become a Wielder - which would also mean that she recognizes Kairi which means again that Kairi's worthy of a Keyblade - much like how Terra accepted Riku, when Riku showed he had the part Terra had that made Terra Master-level when he met Riku (protecting what matters - it really put things into perspective for Terra, which explains why he was able to perform the Rite with Riku).
Unless it's part of a plan to lure her away and Braig's pulling her punches, Kairi living through that fight won't make a lot of sense. Either that or her Light intervenes and protects her. Otherwise... yeah, she's dead meat :V
I'm not so sure. It won't really bring anything new to the table. We already know Kairi's basically obsessed with him. What the relationship needs more right now is:
1) background. A couple of flashbacks.
2) Interaction in the present day. Kairi can have a hard time fighting Vanitas all she wants, I need to see the two act like a couple before I can believe they are. Hello, Namine, you wonderful romantic interest you.
3) Sora worrying half as much about Kairi as she does about him. Preferably WITHOUT her being a DiD whose poor state he blames himself for. Because right now, especially without 1) and 2), that's standard Sora behavior with basically everyone he cares for.
So while what you suggested would be nice because it shows a bit more of what we've already seen, it won't have any added value, imo.
You forget that KH, the very game that introduced the Sora/Riku friendship, had them want to kill each other. And it wasn't until the first Final Mix where we saw some GOOD moments between them too in the form of the flashbacks added after they locked the DtD.
At this point I dare say that due to the lack of interaction and how you can take some of their comments about each other, Kairi and Riku being at each other's throats (with a bit of help from Xehanort of course, they at least keep civil for Sora) makes only too much sense. It won't really break anything and will establish everyone's favorite theory that the raft comment came from Kairi being a PoH and ties in with her comment about how Riku changed, not just an imbicile teenager who lost her tact.
No, he snarled and hissed at many other things for many other reasons as well. I mean it, the second half of the game's filled with those.
I won double tickets to it X3 was SO AWESOME OAO I loved it so so much!