Detective Conan is not bad, but it looks like it will never end xD.
Is that so? I don't remember. But Amano didn't add in a few worlds like Deep Jungle and Halloween Town in the first KH series. I don't know if there is 100 Acre Wood, but I didn't find it (I downloaded the manga so I'm not sure if I have missed it).
Oh, your library has manga? So cool!! I wish the libraries here would have too

I read it online, too. Though the first 30 volumes, I borrowed from my friend. But since he graduated from high school, he never followed the series, so I had to find the remaining volumes myself.
I dare not to read One Piece, it has a freaking long story now and if I follow it from the beginning, I would lose all my time xD. No, I won't follow this series.
Both manga and anime work for me.