Not yet. It still needs some work before I make it public.

Revisions, name changes and such. I'm also thinking what I wrote should be a bit longer, more padding. Plus, it's like on a memory stick to stairways removed and its 10:17 PM here. I'm only going up if it means I'm staying up now.
I will give you the cliff notes though: dude dies. Dude is sent to hell even though he didn't do anything wrong (afterlife has nigh-impossibly high standards) but then it turns out he's not really dead (plot mystery right there) and that gives him special immortality as long as he's in the afterworld. Satan (who's not that bad of a guy here, mostly just doing his job) thinks he's dangerous because of this and wants him imprisoned but he escapes with the help of a succubus. They plan to take over hell and give everyone, in their words, a true "fair judging" (he was to be thrown into a pit with live animals for all eternity before they found out he wasn't really dead and, like I said, he was just an average joe that didn't really do anything wrong)
It's not gonna end at taking over hell though. You can't pull that of without repercussions.
It's a story that I've had in my head for YEARS and have been cultivating over time. I first thought it first popped in my head during senior year, but I recently remembered I'd had the "take over hell-thing" for far longer (ever since I was 10). It was vastly different back then though (different protagonist, more of a clich? take-over-hell-because-he's-evil-himself kind of thing) The story is a mix of serious moments and for now, mostly subdued black comedy.