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How can I not like Ezio. <3 <3 I ship Ezio/Christina it was just so adorable. Oh and Malik/Altair and Ezio/Leo and Ezio/Caterina.
Master/Doctor is so implied in the new series. Its so great. Doctor/Rose can go die for me honestly. XD
What about Rory?
I would like Amy to get some development really. I'm indifferent to her at the moment.
... Goes searching....
YAH Repliku's smile at 2:43 is so *_*
I also found this in my search... it made me happy.... I love Tron. <3 <3 <3
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I also lightly ship Jack/Doctor, is there any pairings you like in Doctor Who?
Martha's and Rose's themes are so pretty. >_<
YouTube - Doctor Who - Martha's Theme
YouTube - Doctor Who: Rose's Theme (Live, Cardiff)
YouTube - This Is Gallifrey-Our Childhood, Our Home
YouTube - Captain Jack's Theme
I hope you have a nice time visiting. ^_^
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and some games and DVDs ^_^
Its true they are underrated, I would like them to show up again sometime and not to be forgotton in the rest of the series.
I HATE the car heartless >_< they were the most annoying thing in the entire game. Maybe a barbie heartless would be creepy. Sora would be an action figure wouldn't he. Buzz and Woody double team I think ^_^
I would put Brotherhood a little behind AC1 and AC2, because Ezio's part felt kinda like filler and I still don't know why we had to kill the banker other than for being disgusting. I was really interested in Desmond's part and I loved the bit with Altair's statue 'Hey wassa-matta-you Altair' XD. The multiplayer is fun, but I keep being put into matches with people who run around and stick on rooftops. I also keep respawning across the map from my target >_<. There is meant to be another big game this year isn't there?
I wanted to keep Altair's amour T_T Romulus amour is not nice one bit. Other than that it was really enjoyable, I wonder who the next ancestor will be. I must say I think the gaurds are the most fun in AC1, they just don't give up. XD
I don't like Rose very much, at least her series 2 version. She was arrogant, rude and seemed to think she was better than everyone else. Not to mention the love thing going on was bleh. However David Tennant will always be my doctor, but Matt Smith does an amazing job and I don't think his doctor acts like David's one. Although all Doctors are similar in some areas. I never saw him in Hamlet, I must do so some time.
Ooo its a very beautiful piece of work, you were right she is great. ^_^
Have you been back since then?
Yes, Very Posh XD XD