I just loved walking into the bureau and having Malik insult me for some reason. XD Ezio only has one more game left for the 3DS where he goes back to Masyaf and thats all we know for now... Altair's ghost better be hanging around there. XD He can also fly as well. :3 Its a secret though so don't tell any one ;P
YouTube - Assassins Creed Glitch:Fly around (No clip mode I guess

He is. I loved Caterina for some reason, probably because of her rant at the gaurds during the DLC, it was just epic. XD Although I wouldn't forget about Leonardo, I remember when I first played the game while in Venice when you get to hug him I missed the button, so I felt completely bad about it and reloaded my game just to hug him... its his puppy eyes isn't it? XD
I wonder how long Amy will be around for. I love Rory alot more than I do Amy unfortunatly...
I shouldn't have... but I did >
I'm not a big fan of AkuRoku, but I can see where the fans are coming from.
Yep I've seen the new movie. :3
Tron fell into the sea of simulation ;_; maybe he will mutate and become something like the ISOs as they were born from the sea. I must also show you this picture I have shown everyone who is interested in the movie... it is an angry butt....
They are making another.... Tron better have more of a role than just one line. ;_; Also more angry butts. XD