AtDuskIThinkofU May 2, 2018 Saaaaammmeee! She's so nice! She was my first friend and helped me around! Really helpful!
AtDuskIThinkofU May 2, 2018 Nice! I saw you joined the Riku fanclub.... You seemed to know Howler. How so?
Aelic May 2, 2018 No, it's okay. I'm a socially awkward freak sooooo... Anyway, Riku is my fave, but Sora is okay.
AtDuskIThinkofU May 2, 2018 Lol thanks! So....What's your favorite character? Lol sorry. I suck at starting convos.
AtDuskIThinkofU May 2, 2018 Really? I didn't know you had to wait that long! I guess I just take forever to type then! Haha