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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006) 
Origin: Beauty and the Beast (1991) 
Japanese Voice Actor: Takako Kondo 
English Voice Actor: Jo Anne Worley

The castle's lady's maid. Though she has been turned into a wardrobe, she has grown to like her new form, although she still yearns to be human again and is extremely supportive of the Beast's and Belle's relationship. She first appears as an obstacle blocking the door to the dungeons, and is extremely annoyed when Sora and his friends woke her up simply to gain passage to the imprisoned castle servants. She returns to Belle's room henceforth, and prepares Belle for her romantic evening with the Beast.

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