During The World Ends With You - The Animation special program that aired in Japan on April 2nd, fans were given a brief look at brand new gameplay of NEO: The World Ends With You.
(Footage captured by Nora Valdez via YouTube)
The World Ends With You creative producer Tetsuya Nomura went on Twitter to announce that new information about the game will be releasing next week ahead of the first episode of TWEWY - The Animation airing on...
It's been a few months since the announcement that The World Ends With You would be getting a sequel, however that silence will soon come to an end.
It was confirmed in a tweet from Tetsuya Nomura that information on Neo: The World Ends With You will be released at 3pm JST on April 9th, just a couple of hours before the pilot episode of The World Ends With You: -The Animation- airs.
A rough translation of the tweet is available below:
It's been a while since our firs...
Additionally, the Keyblade War event scenes can now be viewed in the theater.
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