The second volume of the Square Enix special book 「CLOUD message」has officially hit Japanese shelves and thanks to a user from 2ch, we have the first scan available! The book contains articles on all three new installments to the Kingdom Hearts series.
This scan has a short interview with Director Tetsuya Nomura, Co. Director Tai Yasue, and Producer Yoichi Yoshimoto. Thanks to The Light in Chaos for typing up the text from the articles, I have the rest of the interviews translated!
KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep —How do you express "KH Birth by Sleep" in a word? Nomura: It's Kingdom Hearts, evolved. Yasue: It's like a wonderful course made up of unexpected spices. To take in everything, from the unprecedented game system, presentation, and every little bit of technology; it combines to complete a three star game. Yoshimoto: It's gonna be fun for the PSP. —What does "KH Birth by Sleep" mean for you? Nomura: Since the concept was "inevitable fate", I wonder now if making this game was inevitable? Yasue: Working on this thing was like competing in an Olympic event with a mix of an 100m race, an obstacle competition, a marathon, and wrestling! I ran my hardest at full speed, flew over the obstacles, used pinning techniques, made decisions, became annoyed, and after it all, I couldn't even decide on a guts pose. Yoshimoto: It was a mountain with invisible giants atop it. The climb is steep and difficult. —How is "KH Birth by Sleep" different than other games? Nomura: There probably isn't another portable game with the same volume and feeling of variety as this. Yasue: Times three is a big characteristic! There is three main characters, three stories to follow, and three game systems that are directionally totally different from each other. That's three times the excitement! Yoshimoto: The scenarios of the three main characters is the main feature! The image display challenges the limits of the PSP, it's gritty but gorgeous! And the Disney characters are surprisingly luxurious! This is KH Birth by Sleep, it's what everyone is anticipating. KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days —How do you express "KH 358/2 Days" in a word? Nomura: A painfully sad story and bold system. Hasegawa: A Kingdom Hearts everyone can play together. Yamamoto: Careful scenarios! Crisp action! A cool collection! —What does "KH 358/2 Days" mean for you? Nomura: Day after day of trial and error. Hasegawa: An encounter with new friends. Yamamoto: Because of the new experiment with the multiplayer interaction, it was about keeping the action itself in mind and sustaining a conventional feeling on the DS hardware —How is "KH 358/2 Days" different than other games? Nomura: I think with the stand alone story characteristics and the systematic nature of the multiplayer, the ways people will enjoy the game differ depending on the player. Hasegawa: You can play as members of Organization XIII! Yamamoto: In multiplayer mode, everyone will run about and play together, it's a fresh idea! KINGDOM HEARTS coded & mobile —How do you express "KH coded" in a word? Nomura: The components were carefully selected simply throughout it. Tabata: Anyone can play it at their own pace, it's the Kingdom Hearts game that continues and expands on the story people are looking forward to. —What does "KH coded" mean for you? Nomura: Including the portal site, it's a compilation of information on the mobile phone. Tabata: The portal site becomes a compilation of know how through the mobile game. —How is "KH coded" different than other games? Nomura: It's the front for linking to the Mobile portal site. Also, I want to hype it up as a place for communication for fans of Kingdom Hearts. Tabata: Linking not only through KH coded, but also through the Mobile portal site, all the players of Kingdom Hearts can come together in the Mobile world and enjoy it together. |
CHRISTMAS CARD SET AT JUMP FESTA 2009The official Square Enix Jump Festa 2009 website updated recently about special Christmas cards being handed out to attendees who visit the Closed Mega theater at the event. The cards will contain images related to the featured games:
Just in time to begin delivering your holiday greetings, in our latest KINGDOM HEARTS eCard, Sora appears garbed festively with a sack of goodies, ready to spread cheer across the internet to friends and heartless alike.
The eCard is also a great way to send out your holiday wish list, particularly if you're hoping for someone to give you a copy of KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories.
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