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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet



First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Private Pluto (1943)
Japanese Voice Actor: Minoru Inaba
English Voice Actor: Corey Burton

Dale is one of the kingdom's mechanical specialists. You can tell it's Dale because of his red nose and two buck teeth. He is also easygoing and happy-go-lucky compared to Chip.

The two are in charge of maintaining the gummi ship and are first seen launching Donald and Goofy as they head to Traverse Town. They also announce new events in the game as the story progresses.

Chip and Dale make another appearance in the credits with Queen Minnie and Daisy.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Private Pluto (1943)
Japanese Voice Actor: Minoru Inaba
English Voice Actor: Corey Burton

Never too far from Chip's side, Dale has known Sora for as long as Chip has, being the beginning of the boy's first adventure. Much like Chip, Dale is a superb artisan when Gummi Ships are involved, and together with Chip, the two do their best to help both Sora, Donald and Goofy, as well as the castle they live in. He looks almost identical to his twin, Chip, yet is easily noticeable thanks to his red nose, even before one manages to notice his louder, more active nature.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Private Pluto (1943)
Japanese Voice Actor: Minoru Inaba
English Voice Actor: Corey Burton

A brotherly duo of the older, mature Chip and the playful Dale manage the Rumble Race track in Disney Town. When Terra arrives and barely avoids injury, they and Queen Minnie explain to Terra Pete's bad conduct on the raceway, and request his help. When Terra emerges the winner, they promise to vote for him to receive the Million Dreams Award.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Private Pluto (1943)
Japanese Voice Actor: Minoru Inaba
English Voice Actor: Corey Burton

Buck toothed and red nosed, Dale is Disney Castle's Gummi Ship engineer, although his technical expertise provides him sufficient knowledge to handle computers. He is impulsive and happy-go-lucky as compared to his pal, Chip, but is capable of being serious and steady when the need arises. He monitors the computer overseeing events in the digital world from the real Disney Castle.

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